
Not all challenges are handled best by conducting an analysis and drawing up a report. We have many clients who need sparring, discussions and our assistance over longer periods of time. As consultants, we are used to being involved in many different issues and processes.

Our contribution

We can contribute with our knowledge about the future as well as knowledge of development processes, workshops about the future, public debate forums, scenario processes and project development.

We can also contribute with experience in the development of analyses and knowledge bases about the future. In addition to this consultancy on quantitative and qualitative analyses – based on extensive experience within this field of study.

Throughout the years, we have been involved in anything from the development of new products, housing projects, neighborhood planning and the design and usage of cemeteries. Our work ranges from analyzing consumer behavior in various contexts to documenting and analyzing the global challenges that companies can face, when planning new strategies.

Do you need our participation in your strategy meeting? Is there a need for a project employee with knowledge about the future? Do you need continuous inputs for your executives or employees? Hence, we have experience with participating in all this and much more.

Different types of clients

At Fremforsk we work with many different types of clients; large and small, as well as private and public companies. We always do our utmost to tailor our participation as consultants to the people and organizations that we work with.

Consulting about the future has led us to working with numerous client in Denmark and the surrounding countries. Furthermore, we are happy to work with Danish, Scandinavian, English and French speaking clients.

One entry point to our services could be our keynotes. Here you can get a preview of what we do and how we work.

See examples of Fremforsk’s keynotes about the future


Arla Foods

Aarhus University

Aarhus Municipality

Bang & Olufsen

Bella Center Copenhagen

Berlingske Tidende



Danske Bank

Dansk Energi

Danish Metalworkers’ Union

Danish Broadcast Corporation (DR)



Ferring Pharmaceuticals



Folkekirkens Nødhjælp




Høje-Taastrup Municipality

Kvik Køkken



Novo Nordisk Denmark




System B8


The Danish National Police

The Sustainable Agriculture Union Denmark

Velux A/S



M.Sc. Political Science, futurist

Head of Research

+45 20674501

Marianne Levinsen is Head of Research at Fremforsk and manages, among other things, the many studies we conduct to become wiser about the present and the future.

In the past years, she has been responsible for conducting studies on shopping behaviour, innovation, the youth and knowledge sharing.

See Marianne's profile here
Ph.d., Futurist


+45 20674500

Jesper Bo Jensen has worked with futures studies for numerous years and has since the beginning of the 1990s worked with analysing the future.

He applies the scientific methods in his work and has previously worked as a researcher at several universities.

See Jesper's profile here

Book a keynote about the future

Please tell us who you would like to get in touch with and what the subjects or area of interests are. Furthermore, if you can provide us with the date, time and place for the keynote, we can give you an even better response.

You can also send us an e-mail if you would like us to give you a call.

Our lectures, keynotes and presentations are always tailor made to fit the occasion and the people attending. Therefore, we kindly ask you if possible to provide us with information about who we will be presenting to.

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