C.V. for Jesper Bo Jensen, ph.d.
Jesper Bo Jensen, born September 18th, 1959. Married with four children.
Jesper runs his own business Fremforsk, Centre for future studies. It was founded in August 2001.
Self-employed keynote speaker (+1000 keynotes over the past 10 years – many outside of Denmark)
Author of several books (Danish title in parenthesis)
Co-author of numerous books
Visiting Fellow, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, California 1989-1990 – under Professor James March
Lic. scient. pol. (Ph.d.) June 1989
Cand. scient. pol. (M.Sc.) January 1987
Everyday work tasks
General management of the business as CEO, entrepreneur and head of personnel as well as the financial aspect of running the business.
Marketing and branding of the business.
Topics covered
Have solved analysis- and product development tasks for, among others:
Arla Foods (Health in the future as the latest task)
Bang & Olufsen
Branbrand Housing Association (New plan for Gellerup)
Bella Center MøbelMart
Dansk Supermarked (Concept for Levevis)
Danske Trælast Detail (Concept Starck)
Deloitte & Touche (The future of the financial sector)
Dansk Metal (Metalworker 2025)
Dansk Politi (Crime in the future)
De samvirkende Købmænd (Retail and organization in the future)
Fritz Hansen A/S (trendlab)
Hjemas (Concept for factory made houses and other tasks)
Invita (trendlab)
Lego (Families and toys in the future)
KTS – Københavns Tekniske Skole
Kvik Køkkenet (Shower concept as the latest task)
NCC (Building in the future 2010-2014 as well as follow-up)
Novo (Obesity epidemic in USA among other things)
Nykredit (Retail in the future, the financial client in the future etc.)
Realkredit Danmark (The housing market in the future, mode for pricing houses etc.)
Realdania (From the outskirts to a space of possiblities, the future one-family detached house in vulnerable areas)
Steen & Strøm, Danmark (Shopping centers of the future)
Steen & Strøm, international (Trendlab Norden, book, keynote)
TIMBERMANN (investor report construction industry in the future)
Willis (Future Pensioners and councelling )
Årstiderne Grønt (strategy)
Aarhus Havn (Traffic and competitor analysis)
Aarhus Kommune (Port and City planning)
Have also completed analyses and development projects for:
Aarhus Municipality
Aarhus university
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of housing
Copenhagen Municipality
The region of North Jutland
Danske Bank
He has furthermore developed scenarios and strategies for a number of companies, private- and public organizations.
He has worked with several planning- and development tasks such as business strategies, city planning strategies and strategies for housing, for a large number of Danish municipalities.
Latest public reports
Current and future single-family detached houses, Center for Housing and Prosperity (2006)
Consumer behavior – report written with SP3 (2005)
Retail in the future, written for Nykredit (2004)
Competencies in nutrition in the Aarhus area, written for Aarhus municipality (2004)
Seniors in the future, Aarhus municipality (2003)
What does Danish business look like in 2028?, Dansk Metal (2003)
The future as seen from different countries, Newspaper Feature project for Jyllands Posten and associated companies (2003/2004)
Board member for the Architectural firm Årstiderne (2010-)
Ministry appointed member of the Youth-Housing Council (2008-)
Member and founder of the council for Sustainable Business Development
Supervisor Steen & Strøm Trendlab Scandinavia (2006-2008)
Chairman of the school board, Skåde School (2002-2010)
Board member of Byfornyelsesselskabet Danmark (1999-2007)
Former Occupation
Institute for Future Studies
Head of Research
January 1st 1993 – July 31st 2001
Tasks: Leader of the Institute for Future Studies’ department in Aarhus, lectures, projects and analyses.
Interests: Developments in the spirit of the times, customers of the future, employees and organizations of the future and the environment and work environment of the future. Furthermore, the financial sectors future, planning and strategic preparedness, scenario techniques and processes to recognize the future and the long-term development.
As Head of research he was responsible for the composition of reports with the following topics:
Private customers in the banking sector (1996)
68-generation’s housing choices in the future (1997)
City spaces and the city of the future. (1997)
Demand for housing in the future, composed as a part of Project House – then big development project for the Ministry of housing (1998)
Worked on theme about attaining twice the value at half the cost in building, also part of the Project House report.
Also worked with project management and project supervision on developing companies, organizations and public offices for the future.
Tryg Nykredit Holding A/S
Strategy and business development
December 1st 1991 – December 31st 1992
Job: Strategic planning for the entire company, internationalization of the company, strategy for Tryg and Nykredit as well as coordinating the strategic work in the business.
Nykredit A/S
Planning division.
July 1st 1990 – November 30th 1991
Job: Nykredit’s strategic planning, three-year plans, competition monitoring, loan case mediation including real estate agents, branding of loan products, market shares, information mediation and sector analyses.
Stanford University, California
Visiting Fellow, Graduate School of Business
August 1989 – May 1990
Work: International finance, newer American organizational theory (New institutionalism and organization ecology)
Aarhus University
Master’s scholarship at the institute for political science
January 1987 – August 1989
Area of study: Thesis on the liberalization of financial markets in Denmark
Business School in Aarhus
Lecturer of theoretical statistics
August 1987 – June 1989
Part-time lecturer on course on information economy and research methods and statistics at the graduate studies at the Royal School of Library and information science in Copenhagen, January 1992 – December 2001
Lectures at the Institute for Political Science on regulating and deregulating financial markets.
Teacher of statistics at the business school in Aarhus. 1987 – 1989
Instructor in statstics at the Institute for Political Science 1984 - 1986
Courses and Conferences
Co-director ECPR workshop: Deregulation, reregulation and the international dimension, Paris, April 1989
Participant in the ECPR workshop on Deregulation in Western Europe, Amsterdam, April 1987.
Course on negotiation, DIEU, April 1992.
Participated in Project House of the Future as Nykredit’s representative, Institute for future studies, January – December 1991.